2018 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit
Date: May 5-6, 2018
Location: Taichung Cultural and Creative Industries Park
Today in Asia, we are collectively facing many unresolved challenges. How can we use social innovation to transform these difficult issues into a better tomorrow for Asia?
The first summit focused on four major topics: "Agriculture and Food," "Aging Population," "Vulnerable Employment," and "Green Energy Environment". Through cross-national and cross-disciplinary panel discussions, we connect the support system for social activists, allowing government, academia, and civil society to come together in search of opportunities for change in tomorrow's Asia. The summit is structured around five main curation elements: keynote speeches, parallel forums, master workshops, film appreciation, and a social enterprise marketplace, providing a comprehensive showcase of the landscape of social innovation (with continuous Chinese and English interpretation services throughout the event).
- 時間:2018年5月05-06日
- 地點:台中文化創意產業園區
- 簡介:
- 議程:
- 主協辦單位
- 回顧
[公益創新 徵案100]孩子的學習溝通小夥伴_宇宙製造開發 AI 社交溝通平台宇宙製造股份有限公司宇宙製造專注 3 件事:1. 教育科技技術服務研發 2. 學習型教材與課程設計 ...{{ language == 'en' ? 'Good Health and Well-being' : '健全生活' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Quality Education' : '優質教育' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Reduced Inequality' : '促進平等' }}
[公益創新 徵案100]香草綠電福祉園格園社會企業股份有限公司格園專注 3 件事:1. 有機種苗供應、2. 綠電農業場域施作、3. 農產品內外...{{ language == 'en' ? 'No Poverty' : '終結貧窮' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Affordable and Clean Energy' : '永續能源' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Reduced Inequality' : '促進平等' }}
『出人頭地』好客生活寶藏禮盒1喝一口客庒花草果茶台灣台青柑譜共好協會【出人頭地-好客】寶盒 四大驚喜攜手苗栗客庒在地友善種植的農友們,精選出獨具苗栗...{{ language == 'en' ? 'No Poverty' : '終結貧窮' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Good Health and Well-being' : '健全生活' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' : '永續城鄉' }}
[公益創新徵案100]走進離島的 1 萬個小時 日光文旅成功推動日光文旅國際有限公司日光文旅專注 4 件事:青年創業陪跑、數位文化走讀、海廢永續行動、馬祖 ESG ...{{ language == 'en' ? 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' : '永續城鄉' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Responsible Consumption and Production' : '產消責任' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Life Below Water' : '海洋生態' }}
【Better 2 Gether】趴利趴利永續冰淇淋_趴趴走生物多樣性環島串聯計劃昕樸永續股份有限公司此計劃示範場域為嘉義大林的鳳梨青農(自然農法),讓三輪冰淇淋車在嘉義(嘉義縣與嘉...{{ language == 'en' ? 'Responsible Consumption and Production' : '產消責任' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Life on Land' : '陸域生態' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Partnerships to achieve the Goal' : '夥伴關係' }}
【Better 2 Gether】一站式永續生態系Sciencely Handmade藉由建構一個推廣ESG 體驗活動與產業平台,實際配合需求端,協助符合永續城鄉及多...{{ language == 'en' ? 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' : '永續城鄉' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Life on Land' : '陸域生態' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Partnerships to achieve the Goal' : '夥伴關係' }}