2024 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit "Resilient Asia"
- Date: May 4-5, 2024
- Location: (Physical) National Chi Nan University.
- Introduction:
Resilience is the key to the future! With 60% of the world's population, Asia is a hotspot for natural disasters, geopolitics, and racial conflicts globally. In the face of rapid climate change and social transformation, individuals and nations increasingly require resilience to confront adversity.
To promote social innovation and sustainable development, Taiwan initiated the Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit in 2018. Through years of collaboration between the government and various sectors, it has become a significant international event for Taiwan. The 7th summit, themed "Resilient Asia," organized by the New Homeland Foundation, will take place from May 4th to 5th, 2024, in Puli Township, Nantou County, Taiwan, the geographical center of the island. It will feature interdisciplinary and international forums and activities to seek stability and breakthroughs in a world plagued by disasters and turmoil.
The 2024 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit brought together 114 speakers from 12 Asian countries, representing government, academia, and society, including recipients of the Asia Pacific Social Innovation Cooperation Award. It focused on three major themes: environmental resilience, economic resilience, and socio-cultural resilience, with 2 keynote speeches, 22 parallel forums, 1 plastic reduction workshop, and 2 religious social innovation roundtable discussions. Through sharing and dialogue at the summit, it showcased how countries address social issues through social innovation, driving change, solving problems, and shaping new values, making positive contributions to the sustainable development of the Asia Pacific region. It also highlighted Taiwan's social innovation energy to the world, establishing a more robust international exchange network, enhancing resilience, responding to challenges, and seeking opportunities for change in tomorrow's Asia.
- Highlights:
- Live Video
- 時間:2024年5月4日至5日
- 地點:(實體) 國立暨南國際大學
風災、水患、地震、火山、海嘯、野火……等天然災害,肆掠亞洲地區。根據 Emergency Events Database(EM-DAT)蒐整在2020年350筆災害事件中,亞洲就佔154筆,是全球災害發生最多、死亡總數最高的地區。失去韌性的個人和社會,在面對自然災害、經濟衰退、社會衝突等時,容易遭受重大損失和傷害,尤其是脆弱群體,如老年人、兒童、貧困人口等。
2019 年起,COVID-19新型冠狀病毒開始在全球蔓延,截至2024年2月,排除中國之外,全球確診數超過7億多人,疫情為全球經濟、社會、生活帶來不可逆的影響。2022年2月24日,俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,千萬人流離失所,導致全球經濟衰退、能源危機、糧食短缺、通膨惡化、地緣政治等危機。
- 議程:
- 峰會集錦:
- 主協辦單位:
2024亞太社會創新高峰會 開幕儀式
- 2024亞太社會創新高峰會 亞太社會創新合作獎頒獎照片
- 2024亞太社會創新高峰會 減塑工作坊
- 2024亞太社會創新高峰會 閉幕儀式
- 峰會現場直播
『出人頭地』好客生活寶藏禮盒1喝一口客庒花草果茶台灣台青柑譜共好協會【出人頭地-好客】寶盒 四大驚喜攜手苗栗客庒在地友善種植的農友們,精選出獨具苗栗...{{ language == 'en' ? 'No Poverty' : '終結貧窮' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Good Health and Well-being' : '健全生活' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' : '永續城鄉' }}
[公益創新徵案100]走進離島的 1 萬個小時 日光文旅成功推動日光文旅國際有限公司日光文旅專注 4 件事:青年創業陪跑、數位文化走讀、海廢永續行動、馬祖 ESG ...{{ language == 'en' ? 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' : '永續城鄉' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Responsible Consumption and Production' : '產消責任' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Life Below Water' : '海洋生態' }}
[公益創新 徵案100]水冷式空調系統減碳數位方案水力凈綠能科技股份有限公司團隊專注於將水分子解鏈技術設備應用於空調冷卻水塔場域,讓冷卻水塔及循環管路的水垢...{{ language == 'en' ? 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure' : '工業創新' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' : '永續城鄉' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Climate Action' : '氣候對策' }}
【Better 2 Gether】格外品銷售平台格外農品股份有限公司1. 主動邀約農漁民加入上架:• 參考產銷履歷平台,邀請優質農漁民加速...{{ language == 'en' ? 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' : '永續城鄉' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Responsible Consumption and Production' : '產消責任' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Climate Action' : '氣候對策' }}
【Better 2 Gether】趴利趴利永續冰淇淋_趴趴走生物多樣性環島串聯計劃昕樸永續股份有限公司此計劃示範場域為嘉義大林的鳳梨青農(自然農法),讓三輪冰淇淋車在嘉義(嘉義縣與嘉...{{ language == 'en' ? 'Responsible Consumption and Production' : '產消責任' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Life on Land' : '陸域生態' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Partnerships to achieve the Goal' : '夥伴關係' }}
【Better 2 Gether】一站式永續生態系Sciencely Handmade藉由建構一個推廣ESG 體驗活動與產業平台,實際配合需求端,協助符合永續城鄉及多...{{ language == 'en' ? 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' : '永續城鄉' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Life on Land' : '陸域生態' }}{{ language == 'en' ? 'Partnerships to achieve the Goal' : '夥伴關係' }}