{{ language === 'en' ? '2022 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award (APSIPA)' : '2022年 亞太社會創新合作獎' }}
{{(language == 'en' ? 'Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award(APSIPA) is a regional award advised by Executive Yuan, Taiwan (R.O.C.) and held by Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan (R.O.C.). It is established to explore dynamic social innovation models in the Asia Pacific and to motivate more change-makers to contribute to social innovation, discovering and celebrating social innovation partnerships that connect diverse stakeholders and make significant social impacts.' : '為探索亞太地區多元的社會創新模式,並鼓勵更多有志者投入社會創新領域,特設立「亞太社會創新合作獎」,評選及獎勵亞太地區連結多元利害關係人創造顯著社會影響力之社會創新合作夥伴案例。')}}