{{ (language == 'en' ? 'Call for 2024 APSIPA Applications! (Application closed)' : '2024亞太社會創新合作獎 熱烈徵件中!(已截止)')}}

I. Award Objectives
With the gradual increase of global risks, how to develop innovative practices to ensure a future with sustainability will become mainstream. The Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award is established to explore dynamic social innovation models in the Asia Pacific and to motivate more change-makers to contribute to social innovation, discovering and celebrating social innovation partnerships that connect diverse stakeholders and make significant social impacts. Cases of partnerships will be required to set achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs) as their core value.
II. Award Details
i. Qualifications
- Cases that were executed in the Asia Pacific region related to social innovation that falls under the award categories. All organizations are qualified to apply.
- Only one application can be filed in the name of one organization on the same case. If more than one application is filed, only the earliest application will be considered. Each organization can only apply for a category with one application.
- Cases which started after 30th June 2023 are not qualified.
ii. Award Categories
Social innovation is the deployment of innovative technologies or business models to change interrelationships among individuals and groups in the society, and it helps develop new approaches to social problems with the changes. The award sets motivating social innovation partnerships as its purpose, integrating 17 SDGs sorted into three categories, Biosphere Sustainability, Inclusive Business and Social Prosperity. The integration and interrelationships of the SDGs are emphasized to establish development models that fit the needs of our time without harming the interests of future generations. One winner will be chosen from each category and there will be one Special Jury Prize chosen by the judging panel to celebrate the worthiest case, specified in the following.
- The Biosphere Sustainability Award:
The purpose of this award is to encourage cases of social innovation partnerships devo ted to environmental protection and sustainability, acknowledging that a favorable natural environment is fundamental to all human activities. The highly related corresponding SDGs are SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG13: Climate Action, SDG14: Life below Water, and SDG15: Life on Land. - The Inclusive Business Award:
The award values socially innovative approaches to economic activities and commerce. Innovation, in terms of economics, does not only imply increase in income or employment, but also decrease in inequality and negative impacts, as well responsible measures to forward economic growth and cycle. The highly related corresponding SDGs are SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG10: Reduced Inequality and SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production. - The Social Prosperity Award:
The award focuses on social innovation initiatives relevant to fundamental dignity in human society. The highly related corresponding SDGs are SDG1: No Poverty, SDG2: Zero Hunger, SDG3: Good Health and Well-Being, SDG4: Quality Education, SDG5: Gender Equality, SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG16: Peace, justice and strong institutions. - Special Jury Prize:
In addition to the awards mentioned above, the Special Jury Prize will be chosen by the judging panel to honor the worthiest case of the year, which is not limited to the registered category of it.
While the Covid-19 pandemic has subsided, ongoing disruptions caused by abnormal weather conditions and human-made disasters persist, continuing to pose challenges to human life and survival. The harmonious coexistence between individuals and the environment has become even more precious, and its value should be highlighted and encouraged. In light of this, the theme of the Special Jury Prize of 2024 is “Harmony”, aiming to reward social innovation collaborations that embody respect for the environment and others, showcasing inclusivity and coordination in both societal and environmental aspects. It further advocates within the international community for achieving global common interests and visions through the realization of "Harmony".
※However, applicants are still required to choose one category (Biosphere Sustainability, Inclusive Business, Social Prosperity) when registering. If applications are related to “Harmony”, please apply for the category additionally.
iii. Selection Process
- Qualification review:
All applications will be reviewed for whether the information provided is comprehensive and whether the cases connect to SDGs. If an application is incomplete, the applicant will be notified to submit additional information. The application will not be considered if all necessary documents are not submitted before the application deadline. - First round of selection:
The award jury panel is comprised of experts and practitioners in the field of social innovation in the Asia Pacific. The judging panel will be divided by award categories to review application documents and score applications according to the four aspects listed below. All the applications must also correspond with the related SDGs in each aspect. Applications which are scored top three in each award category can enter the final round of selection. For the candidates of the Special Jury Prize, the jury panel will consider the correlation between the theme and applications, and applications which are scored top three can enter the final round of selection. If there are two application cases with the same score, the one with the higher “Impact” aspect score will be given priority. - Final round of selection:
Organizations which are shortlisted will be invited to participated in the online final judging meeting. There will be a 2-minute pitch and an 8-minute Q&A section for each finalist. The judging panel is comprised of the ones from the first round of selection. Organizations that are scored top in each category will be awarded. If there are two application cases with the same score, the one with the higher “Impact” aspect score will be given priority. The jury panel will consider the correlation between the theme and shortlisted applications and select the winner of the Special Jury Prize.
iv. Application
- Application period: 2024/02/17 - 2024/03/22 (GMT+8 17:00)
- All application materials must be written in English and must adhere to the format and requirements specified in the application form (refer to Appendix 1). Ensure that at least one supporting document is attached; otherwise, the application will not be processed. Kindly submit the completed application within the specified timeframe to the designated email address. Failure to submit by the deadline will be considered as an incomplete registration.
- Applicants are required to choose one category when registering and are not allowed to alter the decision.
- Please fill in the recommendation form (Appendix 2), if applicable.
- The application for registration is free of charge.
- Please send your registration information to both of the following e-mail addresses:
siconsulting@sme.gov.tw & mlim15@kpmg.com.tw - If you have any question regarding application, please contact us at mlim15@kpmg.com.tw. We will reply in three business days.
v. Awards and Prizes
Winners will be awarded with the following prizes and resources:
- Engaging the Social Innovation Exchange itinerary in Taiwan (the event is scheduled to be held from 3rd May 2024 to 9th May 2024, lasting for one week, with each award-winning organization providing one fully subsidized slot), including a round-trip economy class ticket (coverage of domestic transportation expenses for Taiwanese winners), accommodation (arranged by the organizer), attending the award ceremony, participating in the Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit, and joining the exchange meeting for social innovation organizations.
※The award winners are required to fully cooperate with the host organization’s itinerary throughout the event in order to be eligible for relevant subsidies. - Awarded a trophy.
- Awarded a certificate.
- Participation in related marketing exposure activities, such as media interviews.
- Priority participation in Asia Pacific Social Innovation Community (APSIPA Alumni) events.
III. Organizer
The award is organized by Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by KPMG Taiwan.
IV. Notes
- Applicants must not submit any false documents or information, and they must follow all the requirements. If the provided information does not meet the requirements, the organizer has the right to reject the application. If the information provided by an award-winning organization is proved to be false, the organization will be disqualified and deprived of the trophy.
- A shortlisted organization should designate a representative to attend the final judging meeting. If the organization is unable to do so, the chance will be given to other organizations in the same award category (in the order of the final scores they receive).
- The winners are required to submit a written report detailing their insights within 2 months following the conclusion of the exchange itinerary. Additionally, they are expected to participate in any associated promotional activities.
- The award-winning organizations will need to consent to the use of relevant sue of the cases in follow-up marketing, promotion and media exposure.
- The organizer reserves the right to change any content related to the award at any time.
- Preliminary timeline:
Date Action 2024/02/17-03/22
(GMT+8, 17:00)Email Submission Applications will be accepted via email. Please send the completed application form and required documents to the following two designated email addresses within the specified deadline (both emails must be used):
- siconsulting@sme.gov.tw
- mlim15@kpmg.com.tw
Upon receipt of a confirmation email, the registration will be considered successful.
2024/03/25-04/01 First round of selection All the qualified applications will be reviewed by the international judging panel. 3 finalists will be selected from each category.
For the candidates of the Special Jury Prize, applications which are scored top three can enter the final round of selection.
A total of 12 finalists will be selected.
2024/04/02 Announcement of the shortlist
The shortlist will be announced online. The selected organizations will receive an email and be invited to attend the judging meeting.2024/04/10 Final Selection: Presentation and Judging meeting (online)
The finalists need to prepare a 2-minute presentation and an 8-minute Q&A. The judging panel will select 4 winners, including 1 winner from each category, and 1 Special Jury Prize.2024/04/12 Announcement of the winner
The list of awardees will be announced online and notified via email. The winners will be invited to participate in the physical award ceremony, providing an opportunity to engage in sharing and exchanges with various sectors.2024/05/04 Award ceremony
Winners will be invited to join the ceremony.
2024 APSIPA Supporting Partners
為探索亞太地區多元的社會創新模式,並鼓勵更多有志者投入社會創新領域,經濟部中小及新創企業署設立「亞太社會創新合作獎」,評選及獎勵亞太地區以實踐聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals,以下簡稱SDGs)為核心價值,並連結多元利害關係人創造顯著社會影響力之社會創新合作夥伴案例。
(一) 申請資格
- 申請標的為組織間之「合作案例」,凡是於亞太地區執行之社會創新合作案例皆可申請,不限組織型態、組織登記處。
- 同1案例僅限申請1類獎項,並僅可由1家代表申請,若同1案例重複投件將以投件時間較早者優先。每家申請單位於每個獎項類別至多投件1個合作案例。
- 合作案例需執行6個月以上(即2023年6月30日前即已開始執行),否則不具備申請資格。
(二) 獎項類別
社會創新意指藉由科技或商業模式的創新應用,改變社會個群體間的相互關係,並從這樣的改變中找到解決社會問題的新途徑。本獎項以鼓勵社會創新合作案例為宗旨,將17項聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)整合為「環境永續」、「經濟共融」與「社會共榮」3個獎項,每項各選出1案得獎案例,另增設「評審團特別獎」1案。分述如下:
- 環境永續獎(Biosphere Sustainability):
旨在鼓勵對於環境保護與永續發展有直接效益的社會創新合作案例。高度對應之SDGs目標為第6項潔淨水資源、第7項人人可負擔的永續能源、第13項氣候變遷對策、第14項海洋永續發展與第15項陸域生態永續發展。 - 經濟共融獎(Inclusive Business):
本獎項著重於經濟活動與商業的社會創新做法。經濟上的創新並非單指收入或就業機會增加,而是在經濟活動發展上降低不平等與負面影響,並以更負責任的方式帶動經濟成長與循環。高度對應之SDGs目標為第8項良好工作與經濟成長、第9項工業創新基礎建設、第10項減少不平等與第12項責任生產與消費。 - 社會共榮獎(Social Prosperity):
本獎項聚焦和社會生活基本尊嚴直接相關的社會創新行動。高度對應之SDGs目標包含第1項終結貧窮、第2項終結飢餓、第3項健全生活品質、第4項優質教育、第5項性別平權、第11項永續城鄉以及第16項公平正義與和平。 - 評審團特別獎( Special Jury Prize):
(三) 評審程序
- 資格審查:收件標準為資料提供與填答的完整度,以及是否有明確對應SDGs,若有缺件將通知補件,報名時間截止前無補件則無法進入評選階段。
- 書面初選:依照獎項類別分別組成國際評審團,進行書面初選,評審團邀請亞太區域社會創新領域專家與從業者組成。申請案例除須符合該獎項分項對應之SDGs標準,並以下述4面向評選標準作基準。每獎項類別前3高分之申請案為入圍單位,可參與決選。評審團特別獎另以主題相符性評選,前3高分之申請案為入圍單位,可參與決選。
※若有同分的申請案,以評分面向「影響力」較高者優先。 - 決選線上會議:進入決選的入圍單位將參加線上評審會議,由初選評審所組成的決選評審團進行決選。入圍單位將進行 2分鐘pitch、8分鐘統問統答。採評分決選制,每獎項類別第一高分之申請案為優勝者,評審團另依照主題相符性於入圍者中評選出當年度評選團特別獎1案。
※若有同分的申請案,以評分面向「影響力」較高者優先 - 評選標準:
(四) 申請方式
- 報名時間:2024/02/17~2024/03/22(GMT+8 17:00)
- 申請資料須以全英文撰寫,遵循報名表格式與要求(如附件1),需附上至少1個佐證資料,否則將不予受理申請。並於期限內寄送至指定電子信箱(E-mail),未於期限內寄送視同未完成報名。
- 申請單位自行擇定獎項類別,報名後恕無法變更組別。
- 若有推薦者,請填寫推薦表單(如附件2)。
- 申請不需繳交任何報名費用。
- 請將報名資料以E-mail同時寄送至以下兩個信箱:siconsulting@sme.gov.tw 及 mlim15@kpmg.com.tw
- 若有任何報名問題請寄信至:mlim15@kpmg.com.tw,將有專人於3個工作天內回覆。
(五) 獲獎鼓勵
- 臺灣社會創新交流行程(約於2024/5/3-2024/5/9辦理,為期約1週),得獎單位有1名經費全額補助名額,補助內容包含:來回經濟艙機票(臺灣得獎單位提供國內交通費)、交流行程期間住宿(由主辦單位安排)、參加頒獎典禮、參與亞太社會創新高峰會、社會創新組織交流及參訪等。
※得獎單位須全程配合主辦單位行程始獲得相關補助 - 獎盃一座
- 得獎證明一式
- 相關行銷露出
- 優先參與亞太社會創新社群(APSIPA Alumni)活動
- 不得以虛偽不實之文件、資料報名參賽,且須按報名簡章規格繳件。繳交資料不符合規定者,主辦單位有權不予收件。若得獎後經查證發現資料虛偽不實,將撤銷得獎資格並收回獎座。
- 通過書面初選之入圍單位應派至少1名代表出席決選線上會議,若無法派代表出席,將從同獎項類別其他申請單位依分數排序遞補。
- 得獎單位須於交流行程結束後2個月內提供心得報告;另須協助宣傳我國舉辦之國際社會創新活動。
- 得獎單位需同意獎項執行單位使用其申請案例之資訊供後續行銷、推廣及媒體曝光之使用。
- 主辦單位保留隨時更改、調整相關內容之權利。
- 獎項預計時程表:
時間 項目說明 2024/02/17-03/22
(GMT+8, 17:00)E-mail 收件 採E-mail收件受理報名,應於期限內寄送報名表單與應繳交資料至下列2個指定信箱(皆須寄送),並收到確認信即報名成功。
(2) mlim15@kpmg.com.tw2024/03/25-04/01 書面初選
2024/04/02 入圍名單公告
2024/04/10 決選線上會議
2024/04/12 得獎名單公布
2024/05/04 頒獎典禮
2024 APSIPA 合作夥伴