{{ language == 'en' ? 'What is the Social Innovation Survey?' : '社會創新大調查是什麼?' }}

{{ language == 'en' ? 'The Social Innovation Survey is composed of two parts: The Popular Awareness Survey and the Survey on the Operation of Social Innovation Organizations. Through the Social Innovation Survey, relevant organizations can better understand the market, and people who want to participate in social innovation can also see where the needs are.' : '「社會創新大調查」是由「民眾認知度調查」和「社會創新組織營運調查」兩個部分所組成。透過這項調查,社會創新組織可以瞭解市場的看法,有意投入或提供資源的朋友們也更能知道社會創新組織的需求在哪裡,讓我們一起來看看最新的調查結果吧!' }}

{{ language == 'en' ? 'Public Awareness Survey' : '民眾認知度調查' }}

  1. {{ language == 'en' ? 'Social innovation has become a trend in Taiwan.' : '社會創新成為趨勢' }}
    {{ language == 'en' ? 'People generally expressed support for social innovation.' : '多數人都對社會創新理念表達支持。' }}
  2. {{ language == 'en' ? 'Results show that people consider the following SDGs as the most important for Taiwan now:' : '經統計民眾認為最重要的SDGs是這些...' }}
    {{ language == 'en' ? 'Quality education, decent work and economic growth, and poverty eradication.' : '優質教育、優質工作和經濟成長,以及消除貧窮是臺灣目前最重要的目標' }}

{{ language == 'en' ? 'Survey on the Operations of Social Innovation Organizations' : '社會創新組織經營情況' }}

  1. {{ language == 'en' ? '1. Small-scale enterprises are the majority.' : '1. 小型規模居多數' }}
    {{ language == 'en' ? 'Social innovation organizations in Taiwan are mostly at the start-up stage, with fewer than 5 employees.' : '社會創新組織多為初創階段,員工人數少於5人' }}
  2. {{ language == 'en' ? '2. The profit ratio of social innovation organizations is growing steadily.' : '2. 社會創新組織獲利比率穩定成長' }}
    {{ language == 'en' ? 'There are more and more social innovation organizations gaining profits. The increase is especially obvious among the registered businesses.' : '整體社會創新組織轉虧為盈的比率逐漸提升,已登錄的業者更為明顯' }}
  3. {{ language == 'en' ? '3. Social innovation organizations are in great need of marketing professionals.' : '3. 社會創新組織最需要行銷業務人才' }}
    {{ language == 'en' ? 'The talents a social innovation organization needs are professionals in the fields of marketing/sales, operation management, and R&D quality control.' : '在社會創新組織發展的過程中,對人才類型的需求依序為行銷業務、經營管理、研發品管' }}

{{ language == 'en' ? 'Social Innovation Survey in 2019' : '2019 社會創新大調查' }}


{{ language == 'en' ? 'Social Innovation Survey in 2020' : '2020 社會創新大調查' }}
