{{ language == 'en' ? 'If your company or unit has CSR and ESG resources, you want to use this platform to connect industry forces or find a social innovation organization to cooperate, and you agree to cooperate with a social innovation organization through a social innovation thinking model, log in now as a partner The social innovation industry partner group creates a "new" business model together.' : '若您的企業或單位,具有CSR或ESG資源想透過此平台連結產業力量或找社會創新組織合作,且認同以社會創新思考模式與社會創新組織合作者,現在立即登錄成為社會創新產業夥伴組,共同創造「新」商業模式。' }}
{{ language == 'en' ? 'If your company or unit has CSR and ESG resources, you want to use this platform to connect industry forces or find a social innovation organization to cooperate, and you agree to cooperate with a social innovation organization through a social innovation thinking model, log in now as a partner The social innovation industry partner group creates a "new" business model together.' : '若您的企業或單位,具有CSR或ESG資源想透過此平台連結產業力量或找社會創新組織合作,且認同以社會創新思考模式與社會創新組織合作者,現在立即登錄成為社會創新產業夥伴組,共同創造「新」商業模式。' }}
{{(language == 'en' ? 'Join for Social Innovation Organizations' : '社會創新組織')}}
{{ language == 'en' ? 'If you are the owner of a social innovation organization that uses innovative methods to solve social problems, and you want to introduce your ideas to more people, or you want to access the latest information on government resources and to connect with the community on our platform, please register your business in our system!' : '只要您是運用創新方法解決社會問題的社會創新組織,希望讓更多企業與社會大眾認識您的社創理念,或是透過平台獲取政府資源消息及連結社群,現在就開始登錄成為社會創新組織!' }}
{{ language == 'en' ? 'If you are the owner of a social innovation organization that uses innovative methods to solve social problems, and you want to introduce your ideas to more people, or you want to access the latest information on government resources and to connect with the community on our platform, please register your business in our system!' : '只要您是運用創新方法解決社會問題的社會創新組織,希望讓更多企業與社會大眾認識您的社創理念,或是透過平台獲取政府資源消息及連結社群,現在就開始登錄成為社會創新組織!' }}
{{(language == 'en' ? 'Government\'s public information, voluntary local reports (VLR), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).' : '聚焦政府公開資訊,鏈結各縣市自願檢視報告書(VLR)及聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)的推動,精準掌握永續發展議題。')}}