{{ language === 'en' ? 'Buying Power - Social Innovation Products and Services Procurement' : 'Buying Power 社會創新產品及服務採購獎勵機制' }}
{{(language == 'en' ? 'The Small and Medium Enterprises Administration (SMEA) organizes the Buying Power Award to bolster the development of social enterprises and to encourage stakeholders such as government agencies and private companies to prioritize products and services provided by social enterprises. At the past seven years, the winners have reached over 600 organizations and the purchase amount has reached over 4.9 billion.' : '為增加工商各界對社會創新組織及責任採購的重視,自2017年辦理「Buying Power 社會創新產品及服務採購獎勵機制」,七年(2017年至2023年)已累積超過49億元採購金額,超過600家組織積極參與。')}}
{{(language == 'en' ? 'Cumulative Procurement Amount' : '累積採購金額')}}
{{(language == 'en' ? 'Cumulative of Winning Organizes for Procurement Award' : '採購獎累積獲獎單位家次')}}
{{(language == 'en' ? 'Cumulative of Winning Organizes for Special Award' : '特別獎累積獲獎單位家次')}}