2023 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit


{{ (language == 'en' ? 'Goverment' : '政府部會')}}
Executive Yuan
{{ (language == 'en' ? 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' : '永續城鄉')}} {{ (language == 'en' ? 'Climate Action' : '氣候對策')}} {{ (language == 'en' ? 'Partnerships to achieve the Goal' : '夥伴關係')}}

Date: May 6-7, 2023
Location: (Physical) Yilan Traditional Art Center, Broadcast Simultaneously.
In the post-pandemic era, sustainable development and resilient societies have become a critical issue among the globe.

With the intensification of global warming, an increasing number of countries have announced their net-zero emissions paths for 2050. The European Union has also introduced the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM),  while the National Development Council of Taiwan officially presented its Net Zero Pathway at the end of March 2022.Additionally, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has brought about geopolitical changes, triggering food and energy crises, accelerating the formation of new economic blocs, and making Asian countries realize the importance of regional cooperation.

Businesses can not keep out of the affair either. In the post-pandemic new order, apart from the increasing demands on upstream suppliers in the global supply chain for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards.the Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission announced ESG information disclosure measures for listed and over-the-counter companies in November 2021. In the future, businesses will need to fulfil their corporate social responsibility through social innovation, regardless of the business size.

Social innovation,as a driving force for changing the world, is seen as a crucial driver for societal transformation. Facing the trends of post-pandemic digitalization, sustainability, and regionalization, the power of social innovation has the opportunity to combine with technology and exert greater influence through cross-sector collaboration.  We should reconsider how to connect local innovations through regional links, construct an international social innovation ecosystem, and achieve sustainable development goals.
In the spirit of inspiration, co-creation and discovery of new opportunities,this summit is themed "Cheer Up Asia" to strengthen transnational cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. By fostering an open mind, it aims to construct an international social innovation ecosystem, inviting experts, scholars, and thought leaders from various fields to discuss, advocate, develop new perspectives, explore new opportunities, and stimulate more innovative actions, tt encourages mutual exchange, alliances, and the formation of co-creation partnerships, promoting prosperity and growth as "global partners and regional exemplars," while generating a greater impact to achieve sustainable development goals.

In uncertain times, we urgently need to harness the power of social innovation to build a sustainable society and a resilient economy. Over the past five years, the first version of social innovation action plan, "Social innovation 1.0", in the field of social innovation has achieved goals such as talent development, capital linkage, and international leaps through public-private collaboration. However, due to the locality of social innovation, strategies like "advocacy" and "translation" are needed to break geographical constraints, scale up, spread widely, and gain broad recognition, facilitating regional development.

Through advocacy of ideas, resource connections, and complementary co-creation, "Stellar Co-creation" and opportunities can be realized. At the same time, we need to harness the power of technology to create and deliver new social innovation values using new methods and tools, achieving "wisdom in urban and rural areas." Additionally, the creation of social value requires cross-domain partner connections, "cross-domain synergy", to expand influence and create new regional paradigms and models. In the face of endangered cultural assets and the natural environment, we need to use new thinking to create new value and achieve sustainable development. As mentioned above, "collective wisdom inheritance" is one of the four action plans for the 2023 Asia-Pacific Social Innovation Summit Forum, inviting people from all walks of life in the Asia-Pacific region to join hands, develop new perspectives, new operational logics, strengthen regional cooperation connections, and achieve opportunities, ideas, and models for the three "cheer-ups" of the "Purpose of the new Asia".

Based on this, the 2023 Asia-Pacific Social Innovation Summit adopts the theme "Cheer up Asia! Open Ecosystem", responds to the policy direction of Social Innovation 2.0, and emphasizes the forum's main theme, "global partners, regional exemplars", it also putting forward "3 Cheering, 2 Intentions, and Collective Wisdom Inheritance" as the goals., strategies, and actions for this forum, aiming to create a regional exemplar by linking diverse resources, establish a social innovation ecosystem, and collaborate with international partners to expand international influence in delivering the positive energy of social innovation.   






  1. 時間:2023年5月6-7日
  2. 地點:(實體)宜蘭傳藝園區,同步線上直播
  3. 簡介:


隨著全球暖化加劇,越來越多國家宣布其 2050 年的淨零排放路徑,歐盟也提出碳邊境調整機制(CBMA),台灣則是由國發會在2022年3月底正式提出台灣 2050 淨零路徑圖。除此之外,俄烏戰爭帶來地緣政治的變化,除了引發了糧食與能源危機,加速新的經濟區塊成形,更讓亞洲各國認識到區域合作的重要性。



為鼓舞、共同創造、挖掘新的契機,本屆峰會以「興新亞洲」(Cheer Up Asia)為主題,強化亞太地區跨國的合作,利用開放的精神,建構國際社會創新生態系;邀集各界專家學者、意見領袖共同討論、倡議,發展新的觀點、探尋新的契機,以激盪出更多創新行動,並趁此機會互相交流、結盟,成為共創夥伴,促成「全球夥伴、區域典範」的繁盛興茂,並產生更大的影響力,達成永續發展的目標。


透過理念倡議、串連資源、互補共創,將可達到「群星眾創」,「興」起契機。同時,我們也需要善用科技的力量,以新方法、新工具來創造與傳遞新的社會創新價值,達成「智在城鄉」。此外,社會價值的創造還需要透過跨域夥伴的串聯,「跨域加乘」來擴大影響力並形成新的區域典範和模式,面對瀕危的文化資產和自然環境,我們還需要運用新的思維、創造新的價值,「承古展新」達成永續發展。承上所述,「眾智乘承」則為2023亞太社會創新高峰會論壇的四大行動方案,邀請亞太各界人士共襄盛舉,發展新的觀點、新的運作邏輯,並強化區域間的合作連結,以達興契機、興思維、興模式,三「興」(Cheer up) 新亞洲之「目的」。

據此,2023亞太社創高峰會以「興新亞洲」Cheer Up Asia! Open  Ecosystem為主題,響應社會創新2.0之政策方向,並以「全球夥伴,區域典範」為論壇主軸,同時提出「3興、2意、眾智乘承」分別作為本次論壇的目標、策略與行動,冀希能透過串聯多元資源形成區域典範,建立社會創新生態系統,並結合國際夥伴,擴展國際影響力,以傳遞社會創新正能量。


  1.  議程:



  1. 峰會集錦:


  1. 主協辦單位:


  1. 回顧:
  • 2023亞太社會創新高峰會 開幕儀式


  • 2023亞太社會創新高峰會 開幕儀式


  • 2023亞太社會創新高峰會 市集合影


  •  2023亞太社會創新高峰會 十全十美蘭陽宴


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